Number Recognition Bingo

Number Recognition Bingo


number recognition bingo

Trying to educate your toddlers in a fun way can be headache-causing!  I was a teacher for 12 years, and I still have a hard time, so I can’t even imagine how moms manage to come up with great ideas for their toddlers.  Making learning fun is an important part of the learning process from very early on – and since I was a teacher, I saw the effects in the early years of a few kids coming into 2nd/3rd grade not knowing their alphabet or their numbers {sad, sad, sad, but true}

It’s so easy to just turn on the tv and keep them busy, but I’ve found that just TALKING with my child and having discussions about things in our everyday life – is so important for her development!  Number recognition is one thing that is easy to reinforce without them even knowing they’re learning!


number recognition bingo2

This Number Recognition Bingo was inspired by Martha Stewart’s Favorite Crafts for Kids book that has a boat load of cool crafts that kids can do with you.  What a great way to make those long summer days pass quickly!  Martha Stewart also has a new crafts for kids video collection, with tons of videos of crafts you can do with your kids all summer long!



You can make your own Number Recognition Bingo game by using Ping Pong balls, number stickers, and card stock.  

I’ve created a set of bingo cards for you to download – enough for 4 people to play.  


bingo download

What a fun game for the entire family to play after dinner tonight!  

number recognition bingo 3

5 thoughts on “Number Recognition Bingo

  1. I love this. We just started playing beginner board games with my 2.5 year old. This would be so fun to do as a family. I’m pinning and printing today. Thanks for sharing.

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